Top 50 Computer Mcqs with Answer

   Top 50 Computer Mcqs with Answer          


Q.1 ………………… is an electronic device that takes raw data as input and processes these data and gives output as information.

a) mouse     b) computer    c) radio   d) none of these

Answer-- b


Q.2 Who is the father of computers?

a) Blaise Pascal b) Leibniz   c) Charles Babbage d) none of these

Answer-- c


Q.3 Which of the following is the type of computer based on the size of the computer?

a) micro and mini b) mainframe c) super d) all

Answer-- d


Q.4 3rd generation computer was based on which technology?

a) transistors b) conductors c) ICs d) vacuum tubes

Answer-- c


Q.5 Which of the following is the first calculating device?

a) Napier bones b) Abacus c) pascal’s calculator d) Leibniz’s calculator

Answer-- b


Q.6 Which of the following are the characteristics of computer?

a) speed, accuracy and resource sharing b) diligence and reliability

 c) storage and versatility d) all

Answer-- d


Q.7 What is the full form of CAD?

a) computer-aided design b) controller automatic design c)computer advance design d)none

Answer-- a



Q.8 Which of the followings are the components of computer?

a) CPU b) Input and Output devices c) storage unit d) all

Answer-- d


Q.9 Which language is used in 3rd generation of computers?

a) assembly language b) machine language c) high-level language d) none

Answer-- c


Q.10 Memory that store frequently accessed data is called……….

a) cache memory b) main memory c) RAM d) ROM

Answer-- a


Q.11 What is the full form of USB?

a) universal serial bus b) universal service bus c) universal serial business d) none

Answer-- a


Q.12 Which of the following is a volatile (temporary) memory?

a) PROM b) RAM c) ROM d) EPROM

Answer-- b


Q.13 Special purpose, high-speed temporary memory that store memory address is called

a) secondary memory b) primary memory c) cache memory d) register

Answer-- d


Q.14 What is the full form of BIOS?

a) business input output service     b) basic input output system

c) basic input output service            d) none

Answer-- b


Q.15 When we use header and footer, on which page it is printed?

a) all page b) alternate page c) middle page d) last page

Answer-- a


Q.16 Which of the following is spreadsheet program?

a) MS word b) MS PowerPoint c) MS excel d) MS access

Answer-- c


Q.17 What is the latest file extension name for MS word?

a) .txt b) .doc c) .docx  d) .dot

Answer-- c


Q.18 What is the use of ruler in Ms word?

a) to adjust page margin b) to set indents c) to set tabs  d) all

Answer-- d


Q.19 The OCR recognises the ……. of the characters with the help of a light source.

a) size b) shape c) column d) used link

Answer-- b


Q.20 Which key is used to make all the letters capital without using shift key?

a) shifter b) upper case c) caps lock d) icon

Answer-- c


Q.21 HTML elements are represented by…………….

a) tags b) code c) files d) none

Answer-- a


Q,22 All HTML documents are divided into two main parts……………….

a)   head and body b) head and title c) title and body d) none

Answer-- a


Q.23 Only the content inside the ………………section is displayed in a browser.

a) <body> b) <head> c) <title> d) none

Answer-- a


Q.24 The ……………. Elements defines the title of the documents, and is required in all HTML documents.

a) <head> b) <html> c) <title> d) none

Answer-- c


Q.25 Which of the following is the comment tag in HTML.

a) <…….>    b) <! --………. --> c) <!...........!> d) none

Answer-- b


Q.26 C is a …………programming.
   a) procedure-oriented b) object-oriented c) both d) none

Answer-- a


Q.27 C lang. was developed at Bell laboratory, USA in 1972 by whom?
    a) Dennis Ritchie b) Brian Kernighan c) both d) none

Answer-- a


Q,28 In C lang. data types are categorised as:
   a) primary/built-in b) user defined c) both d) none

Answer-- c


Q.29 C++ is a computer programming language that was developed by whom?

   a) Dennis Ritchie   b) Bjarne Stroustrup c) both d) none

Answer-- b


Q.30 The basic concept of object-oriented programming includes:
   a) objects and classes b) data abstraction and encapsulation
   c) inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding and message passing d) all

Answer-- d


Q.31 Process by which objects of one class acquire the properties of objects of
    another class is called….
    a) polymorphism b) encapsulation c) inheritance d) Both a and b

Answer-- c


Q.32 object is …….
     a) member of class b) associate of class c) attributes of the class d) instance of the class

Answer-- d


Q.33 Initialization of the variables at run time is called….
      a) dynamic initialization b) reference variables c) both d) none

Answer-- a


Q.34 To eliminate the cost of calls to small functions, c++ have a new feature called.
      a) inline function b) call by reference c) call by value d) none

Answer-- a


Q.35 In c++, we can use the same function name to create functions that perform
      a variety of different tasks. This is known as
     a) global function b) function overloading c) inheritance d) all

Answer-- b


Q.36 By default, the members of a class are …………., while, by default, the members
      of a structure are ………….
     a) private, public b) public, private c) public, public d) private, private

Answer-- a


Q.37 The private data of a class can be accessed only through the……………. Of that class.
     a) object b) member function c) both d) none

Answer-- b


Q.38 which of the following is a valid class declaration.
     a) class A      b) class B    c) class A    d) object B
         {                      {               {                    {
            int x;              }              int x;                 int x;
         };                                      }                   };

Answer-- a


Q.39 The constructor is invoked whenever an …………… of its associated class is created.
    a) class b) object c) member function d) none

Answer-- b


Q.40 A/an ……………. Class is one that is not used to create objects. This class is designed only to act as a base class (to be inherited by other classes).
     a) derived class b) abstract class c) constructors d) none

Answer-- b


Q.41 DBMS stands for………….
    a) database management system b) data money system
    c) database management service d) none

Answer-- a


Q.42 Before DBMS, organizations usually stored information in ……………system.
   a) data b) file c) table d) none

Answer-- b


Q.43 A main purpose of a database system is to provide users with an ……. View of data.
  a) complex   b) abstract c) both d) none

Answer-- b


Q.44 The collection of information stored in the database at a particular moment is called……of the database.
   a) instance b) schema c) view d) none

Answer-- a


Q.45 characteristics of entities are called…………….
    a) attributes b) types c) objects d) none

Answer-- a


Q.46 ……… Key is candidate key that is most appropriate to become the main key for any table.
    a) primary b) alternative c) super d) none

Answer-- a


Q.47 An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key is called……
    a) strong entity b) weak entity c) simple entity d) none

Answer-- b


Q.48 …………Shows the number of entities to which another entity can be associated with a relationship set.
  a) cardinality ratios b) line c) attributes d) none

Answer-- a


Q.49 ……… is the method which describe the relationship between the attributes.
  a) normalization b) functional dependency c) attributes d) none

Answer-- b


Q.50 A relation is said to be in 2NF if………………
     a) It is in 1NF
     b) all non-prime attributes are fully functional dependent on
         candidate key.
     c) both a and b    d) none

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